• VelocityChain

    Agility for the Supply Chain

    Providing agile project delivery, software development, integration and IT services for the supply chain management domain

The Process

Supply chain management projects are intricate. But they don’t have to feel that way. VelocityChain's supply chain consulting services leverage a unique agile and lean process to optimize the success of your supply chain IT projects.

What We Do

VelocityChain’s agile-driven process helps supply chain clients knock out the most valuable requirements in the simplest, most efficient way. Even when change is introduced mid-stream.

VelocityChain makes supply chain management IT projects efficient and change-tolerant. We understand the technical considerations it takes to pull off a successful project. And we live by one simple fact: managing mission-critical IT projects without an agile approach is insanity.




Every successful supply chain management project starts with good people and collaboration. Without them, there is nothing.


VelocityChain brings an innovative approach to supply chain consulting. We plan lean. So that you can take on any changes that may – and surely will – come up along the way.


You have an achievable roadmap; now what? VelocityChain's supply chain consulting services help you prioritize work from the backlog and stay focused on delivering the most valuable stuff first. In the simplest way possible.


And now, the fun part. Show and tell. Every two weeks, your stakeholders will see valuable working software. From there, your supply chain projects just keep getting better.


The cool thing about having agility in the supply chain is that go-live day is not scary. Our experienced technical consultants have seen it all.

You already realize the value of agile and lean thinking within your supply chain operations

About Us

VelocityChain was started with the belief that implementing supply chain management IT solutions should be an exercise in innovation, excitement and value. Far too many IT projects end in missed expectations, personal stress and compromised value. Through our own experience implementing, developing, coaching and leading enterprise software delivery projects and teams, we know there’s a much better way. We help supply chain management teams apply agile and lean practices to their IT projects to improve value, reduce risk and save their sanity. Our approach is about eliminating waste and adapting quickly to customer requirements that change faster than typical IT projects can plan for. It works. We have plenty of customer successes to back it up, and we will not compromise. VelocityChain has the experience, values, relationships and hutzpah to become your most valuable partner for supply chain management IT solutions.

Our Leadership Team


VelocityChain represents the culmination of more than 27 years of software development, IT, sales and business development experience between Managing Partners Steve Paro and Jack Record. Their combined perspectives and experiences in applying Agile techniques enable customers to realize maximum value in their supply chain technology initiatives. Steve and Jack understand both the development and business sides of building and leading high-performing, cross-functional teams who are capable of delivering innovative enterprise software solutions.


Steve Paro

Managing Partner


Steve is a seasoned technology and project management professional with a unique track record of successfully applying agile to large-scale enterprise software implementations to deliver innovative and efficient supply chain technology solutions for his customers. With two decades of enterprise technology delivery experience, and hands-on experience in coaching, leading, and managing agile teams, Steve brings verifiable, concrete results to his clients.


Steve entered the IT and software world in 2001 with HighJump Software, a leader in supply chain execution solutions, where he provided project management, solution design and development for dozens of large retail, ecommerce and distribution warehouse management solutions. In 2005, Steve became Development Manager/Director, Product Development, where he spent four years leading and mentoring developers and managers across North and South America in the delivery of HighJump supply chain solutions. This included spearheading the internal product team’s transition from waterfall to agile and providing technical oversight, functional and architectural design for many key features across the supply chain suite.


In 2009, Steve continued his mission to help organizations improve success through Agile methods when he joined VersionOne as an Agile Coach and, later, as Director of Product Delivery. During this time, Steve embedded himself in hundreds of development, IT and executive teams globally – from startups to Fortune 500 customers across multiple verticals – helping them learn, adopt, and apply Agile, Scrum, Lean/Kanban methods and engineering principles to their development practices.


Today Steve’s long history of leading organizations to success with agile disciplines is enabling VelocityChain’s customers to draw maximum value from their supply chain technology initiatives.


Jack Record

Managing Partner

Jack Record began his career in technology in 2000. He followed his BBA in Finance with a Masters in IT and joined a consulting organization with a focus on programming in Java and .NET.


His software consulting experience was spent with companies in the Home Building, Construction, and Pharmaceutical industries. As his career progressed he transitioned from consulting to full-time placement, advancing from Team Lead to Director of Application Development until ultimately reaching CIO of an online retail services organization.


In 2005 he became one of the first employees at VersionOne, an Atlanta technology start-up focused on Agile/Lean Products and Services. Over the past ten years he was instrumental in making VersionOne the market leader in Agile Project Management Tooling and Agile/Lean Services & Coaching. He has assisted hundreds of companies transform their organizations using Agile & Lean techniques. His experience in Agile Transformations ranges in industries spanning from Retail, Manufacturing, and Finance to Government, Education, and Defense.


His unique blend of Development experience and Project Management expertise have been key in helping him build long and trusting relationships with customers around the globe. Through his involvement organizations adopting & scaling Agile/Lean Disciplines have delivered substantially higher quality projects, more quickly and at less cost.


  • August 10, 2017

    Come work for VelocityChain!

    Steve Paro

    We are a small Atlanta software consulting company that has a backlog of work and more on the horizon. We need someone to come work with us on software stuff. Some SQL experience is the only hard requirement – if you know HighJump Software that’s a plus. The technology is a proprietary stack,...


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Why not apply high-performance, low-waste thinking to your Supply Chain IT projects?

Get in touch

Contact us now to learn more about how our supply chain consulting services can bring value to your next supply chain management project.


695 Pylant Street NE
Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30306

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    Don’t worry…We won’t sell your info to spammers, marketing companies or the highest bidder.


    First VelocityChain will identify, define and form your project team. Everyone on the team will understand what it means to be part of the team: their role, the team’s expectations, and the shared vision that brought them all together in the first place.


    We start planning by first defining what success looks like for your IT project. What are the overarching goals, constraints and milestones? Who will benefit, and what can we do quickly and easily to make progress toward a specific business problem? Together we prioritize “just enough” work into a project backlog so that development and value delivery may begin right away.


    VelocityChain uses a value-driven approach to “git ‘er done’ – or should we say, “JIT ‘er done?” We use smart, effective project management and collaboration solutions to eliminate waste and promote transparency. All of the decisions, requirements and tests the team will need are documented. Then we dive into execution using modern agile engineering practices:
    • Test driven development
    • Centralized code management
    • Continuous integration
    • Automated regression testing
    • Performance and load testing


    As people start using your features, there will be discovery of new, missing or changed requirements. VelocityChain’s review process embraces this as an awesome opportunity to improve. You’ll have everything you need to prioritize, plan and accommodate frequent changes in customers’ priorities – while evolving success in future projects through continuous inspect-and-adapt processes.


    Our technical consultants ensure that you release value at a manageable rhythm. When you’re ready to roll, we make sure all of the pieces are in place for a smooth rollout. This includes:
    • Deployment of any remaining software, outstanding testing and training
    • Onsite, around-the-clock support
    • Delivery of all relevant project artifacts, plans and IP
    • Vendor transition for long-term support

    What We Do

    VelocityChain is where agility meets the supply chain. Where customers’ needs take precedence over elusive, drawn-out plans.

    It’s like that two-year highway widening project... By the time they finally finish, there’s a whole new traffic problem with different requirements. Lots of time and capital are spent, but they still missed the mark on requirements.

    Supply chain management projects suffer from the same waste and failure. At VelocityChain, we enable you to plan and deliver value incrementally. So you can meet change with agility and efficiency, from concept to high-value supply chain IT solutions.